T5W – Top 5 Science Fiction TBR

Time for Top 5 Wednesday! I missed last week’s due to exams, but I survived and am back! This week’s theme is Top 5 Science Fiction TBR (to-be read) in honour of Booktube’s SFF Awards. This weekly meme is hosetd by Sam and Lainey over at the Goodreads group here.

Right, let’s get started!

5. The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams 

Bildresultat för the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

This weird SciFi just sounds so much fun, and I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time. I’ll let fate decide on when to start it however, and wait ’till I stumble over a copy (and when I have money). Or I might listen to the audio book?




4. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

Bildresultat för station eleven emily st john mandel

I’ve only heard praise for this novel and the whole synopsis sounds amazing and original. I just can’t wait to get my hands on a copy to read. Now when I’m thinking about it, it’ll probably take all my self-control not to go online and use up my money…




3. The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

Bildresultat för the goblin emperor

This one is actually sitting on my shelf (and tempting me). This book sounds great and I’ve also only heard good things about it. My hope is to start reading it sometime this month, but it’s quite uncertain seeing how much school work I have to do …




2. The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett

Bildresultat för the color of magic terry pratchett

I really, REALLY want to start reading the Discworld series. It just sounds just like my type of “feel-good” books (weird and funny in every aspect). Also, I LOVE world-building and a world on top of a giant turtle? Hell yeah. The first book is actually on its way right now! I have to maintain every self-control not to neglect my school work by starting to read it as soon as it arrives.




1. Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson

Bildresultat för arcanum unbounded

Oh Sanderson, what would a weekly meme or tag post on this blog be without you? I’ve been savoring this book since I got it on its release day, in order to read it before Oathbringer comes out in November.

Bildresultat för delayed gratification cookie monster

15 thoughts on “T5W – Top 5 Science Fiction TBR

  1. Station Eleven is one of my favorite books, I hope you love it! (But I know what you mean, I try to not spend too much money on books but it is a constant exercise in self-control.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh they’re so great!! I started with the Mistborn series, and I think that is the best approach to Sanderson’s work 😀 The best thing about (most of) his books are all connected in some deeper and much bigger plot, which is super exciting. When you read his books, keep a look-out for beggars that acts as informants or story-tellers 😉

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      1. Ohhhh, that sounds so cool and fun!!! Now I can’t wait to pick up his books! I think I’ll start with the Mistborn series like you said, lots of people have recommended it to me before 🙂 Thanks for the advice ❤

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  2. I have heard amazing things about The Goblin Emperor, it sounds like such an interesting book. Plus I’m always intrigued by standalone fantasy books, as there really aren’t many of them out there. The Color of Magic is such a fun book, as is the rest of the Discworld series. I really hope that you’ll enjoy that series as well. 😀

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  3. Oooh a few of my all-time favourites on here! I loved The Goblin Emperor so much. I like grim and angst as much as the next person but it was such a relief to read about a protagonist who is just so *nice*, and I find political machinations interesting in fiction and fantasy so really enjoyed it. And Station Eleven is so beautifully written, and again totally unique. I hope you enjoy both of them!

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