T5W: Independent Ladies

And it’s time for another weekly Top 5 Wednesday! This week’s topic is on female leads that have romantic interests, yet still focus on their mission/job/quest, you name it. It’s a great topic because honestly, I myself would love some book recommendations on this one. I get so disappointed whenever I get into a book and suddenly the interesting premise is ruined because she gets intrigued by some boy who the majority of the time I couldn’t care less about. So, great topic!

If you’re interested in joining the weekly meme, you can find it here at Goodreads.

3456605. The Halsing Sisters from Summers at Castle Auburn [x]

Despite this being a romance fantasy, you’ll be delighted to find it the kind of slow-burn romance. Although one might harbor a minor crush, there’s too much as stake to even care for romance until more important matters are settled. The “not getting distracted” part also helps when you literally have 0% idea that both you and he has feelings for each other.


51YC-J89tWL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_4. Princess Sarene from Elantris [x]

How can you possibly get distracted by your love interest when you think he’s dead? Besides, there’s plenty of plots and conspiracies to unravel than to consider that the very tall man you’re having a small argument with is your presumed dead betrothed.



3f3196e9d70505be173ffb0b112bb3a03. Miryem and Irina from Spinning Silver [x]

I picked this mainly because both plots to overthrow their love interests so they’re literally not letting their love interests getting in the way. It’s so refreshing reading a YA fantasy with romance that still manages to focus on the character arcs of the heroines in far more than her relationship with love interest.



2. Malta Vestrit from The Liveship Traders [x]ship-of-destiny

If you’ve just started reading the series, you’re probably thinking I’m joking. Especially, since she mostly only cares for flirting and toying with guys. But seriously trust me, she became one of my absolute favourite characters of all time. And her character development begins as she realizes the futility in playing the damsel in distress, to watch as her little flirt tries but fails at doing anything that could help the ones she loves. Malta finds a hidden strength when she suddenly starts to take action.

1. Irene Winters from The Invisible Library-series [x]

Love interest is introduced in first book. We have to wait 5 books before they actually get together. I LOVE it. I love this series so much, this will always be the one I recommend anyone when they complain about the romance focus in these kinds of books. Irene is just awesome and gets to be professional, meaning that she can be ‘Oh he’s attractive’ and then move on from the subject to do her work. This series has so much to offer, but I think the main reason we readers can enjoy it is that romance can be present but not outmanoeuvre more interesting and important elements in the story.



Do you agree/disagree? What books do you know where the female lead doesn’t get tangled up in romantic interests at the cost of character and plot? Comment below! x

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